Rktools 2008

  1. Rktools 2008 Trailer
  2. Rktools 2008 Free

I was looking to install the support tools, which I used with XP, like windows server 2003 support tools I used in XP rktools.exe. I don't know what happened why no server 2008 tools. Rktools.2003 v5.2.121102 - Passed - Package Tests Results - 1.RegistrySnapshot.xml.

Download and install rktools.exe on your workstation, and then copy only the needed file srvany.exe somewhere on your server (let's say c:Tools). Then create the Windows Service for srvany. Sc create Robocopy-Service binPath= 'C:Toolssrvany.exe' start= auto Open the registry and go to: HKEYLOCALMACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesRobocopy-Service. Apps for Developer Tools. With developer tools, you can design and build apps, communicate with a team, and manage a project. We have tips on the best tools to make a development project go smoothly.

RKToolsRocket Tools for Model 204 — is a family of products implemented as SOULapplication subsystems, designed to function together in a Model 204 Online. Prior to version 7.5 of RKTools (October, 2015), the product was known as UL/SPF.

Each product in the family can be installed and run independently, or each can be installed and run as a component of the integrated RKTools framework. All RKTools products share a common look and feel, providing a highly productive full screen 3270 interface to a variety of common Model 204 functions. In addition, many of the component subsystems also support web interfaces.

  • 3Integrating RKTools with other subsystems
    • 3.1Fast-pathing

RKTools components

RKTools comprises the following products:

A system that analyzes Model 204 databases to determine their logical structure, populating an internal catalog. SirDBA is distributed as a component of the Sir2000 Database Analysis Tools.
A comprehensive facility both for monitoring the physical storage utilization of Model 204 database files and for warning users of the need for file reorganizations. SirFile maintains historical information that allows it to predict when file sizing problems will occur, allowing a DBA to take preventative action before an application outage results.
A powerful and flexible system that provides change management andconfiguration control for Model 204SOUL applications. SirLib is fully integrated within the SirPro programming environment.
A comprehensive facility for monitoring the performance and availability of Model 204 online systems. SirMon combines the real time monitoring ofModel 204 performance with intelligent full screen displays that facilitate System Manager and Administrator duties.
A collection of powerful and easy to use tools for programmers, database administrators, and application managers. SirPro provides programmers with powerful facilities for managing large libraries of SOUL procedures, and it provides system managers with intuitive ISPF-like front ends to many Model 204 system management commands.

As of RKTools version 7.5, SirPro also incorporates the user-extensible SoulEdit editor, which can also be invoked from a command line call to the (optional) Model 204 application subsystem SE. Because the procedure list feature of SirPro is so central, it too has an optional standalone subsystem called PL.

Rktools 2008
A high performance utility that allows users in a Model 204 Online to browse the contents of its journal in real time. SirScan permits ordinary users to view journal entries generated by their own online session, and it allows users in ADMIN SCLASSes to browse journal entries for any set of users. The data is displayed in a full-screen browser with powerful searching commands and filtering options.

In addition:

  • As of version 7.7, RKTools products are accessed by a web interface (RKWeb) as well as by the traditional 3270 interface.
  • The FACT subsystem, a utility for browsing SirFact dumps, is indirectly linked into the RKTools menuing structure as a SirPro option. FACT is also available from the RKWeb interface (Build > Fact Dump Analysis).
  • As of version 7.7, RKTools provides access to Dictionary/204, notably including the Subsystem Management facility (SUBSYSMGMT) and the File Management facility (FILEMGMT). These facilities are available from the RKTools TN3270 main menu and from the RKWeb interface (Manage > Subsystem Management and the Manage > Dictionary sub-menu options).
  • As of version 7.7, RKTools provides access to the Model 204 SQL Server DDL-generation tools CCACATREPT and CCATSF. These facilities are available from the RKTools TN3270 main menu and from the RKWeb interface (Manage > Dictionary > SQL Catalog Reports and Manage > Dictionary > Table Specifications).
  • As of version 7.7, RKWeb provides access (Build > Tune Reports) to the the reporting portion of SirTune, the SOUL program SIRTUNEREPORT.
  • Many sample web and client-server applications developed for the Janus product family are distributed and installed along with the RKTools products, although they are not linked into the RKTools TN3270 menuing structure.

    These applications include:

    • JanCat, an application that builds normalized views of Model 204 data for useby Janus Specialty Data Store applications.
    • JanSSL, a Janus Network Security system for creating and managing SSL certificate requests. This application is available from the RKWeb interface (Manage > SSL Certificates).

RKTools packaging and installation requirements

All of the RKTools products are Model 204 application subsystems written in SOUL.RKTools is distributed as a set of Model 204 files in a backup format produced by the Model 204DUMP command.

All SOUL-based products aredistributed in a single Model 204 procedure file. The file is M204PROC as of RKTools 7.7; for earlier versions the file is SIRIUS.


RKTools makes extensive use of specialized SOUL OO classes and $functions. These classes and $functions enable the creation of powerful SOUL application systems that can support complex environments with minimal server size requirements.

Installing RKTools requires:

  1. Downloading the M204PROC or SIRIUS file, and restoring it to the Model 204 environment where the tools will run.
  2. Setting up some subsidiary Model 204 files.
  3. Verifying that the environment has the appropriate parameter settings.
  4. Running a program that performs all installation functions for new users and all upgrade functions for reinstalling users.

For details, see RKTools installation.

Upgrades to RKTools can almost always be handled by restoring a fresh copy of the M204PROC or SIRIUS file.

Integrating RKTools with other subsystems

RKTools and any of its constituent products can be easily integrated with other SOUL subsystems. Whenever an RKTools component product is exiting, it first checks to see if the global variable SIRIUS.COMM exists and has a non-null value. If so, the RKTools product performs a subsystem transfer using the value in SIRIUS.COMM as the name of the target subsystem.

For example, the following code fragment lets you transfer into subsystem SIRMON. When SIRMON exits, control is transferred to the application subsystem MENUSYS, provided that NEXT is the current subsystem's communication global variable:

%rc = $Setg('SIRIUS.COMM','MENUSYS')%rc = $Setg('NEXT','XFER')%rc = $Setg('XFER','SIRMON')STOP

In addition to the individual SOUL subsystems that implement the RKTools products,Rocket Software distributes an umbrella RKTools subsystem, accessed by entering RKTOOLS from the Model 204 command line. The RKTOOLS subsystem provides a menu that contains entries for all RKTOOLS components installed at a site:

RKTools main menu (V7.7)


The RKTOOLS subsystems support fast-path navigation. For example, a SirMon user can transfer into the SirPro main menu option 1 destination (the SirPro procedure-list selection screen) by using the component subsystem name or short-code along with a menu number:

sirpro 1


Rktools 2008 movie

pro 1

And a user in SirScan can enter sirmon 3.1 on the command line and be transferred directly to the option 1 (Resource Usage) destination of the SirMon main menu option 3 (User Monitor) screen.

PL command

PL is both a special subsystem and a command that lets you directly enter the Procedure List screen in SirPro. The command is like a pro 1 fast-path command combined with procedure-search specifications.

The command format is:

PL [procedurePattern] [FILE filename GROUP groupname][HAS searchValue CONTAINS searchValue]

where procedurePattern supports the wildcard usage described in Procedure name.

If you do not specify a FILE or GROUP clause, one of the following is used:

  • The current open context. This context is obtained using VIEW APDFCNTX or $view('APDFCNTX') (see the APDFCNTX parameter).
  • The last-visited SirPro procedure list.

Note: To search for procedure names that contain the words 'FILE' or 'GROUP', use a PL command like the following:

PL File FILE filename


  • File indicates procedures whose name contains the word 'File'.
  • FILE is required because the context is not automatically added if searching for the words 'FILE' or 'GROUP'.

Release notes

Each RKTools release has the version number of the Model 204 release whose features it can exploit.

For information about member product changes and new features contained in a release, see the RKTools release notes appropriate for your version of Model 204:

  • Release notes for RKTools V7.5 for Model 204 V7.5
  • Release notes for RKTools V7.7 for Model 204 V7.6 and V7.7
Retrieved from 'https://m204wiki.rocketsoftware.com/index.php?title=RKTools&oldid=104814'

Microsoft Security Response Center (MSRC) - Microsoft).
Security Bulletins - Microsoft Security TechCenter.
Microsoft Update Catalog - Search for specific updates by KB#
Windows Command Line Tools For Developers - Microsoft.
Rob van der Woude.com - Batch files, VBS.
CommandLine - Batch File examples and Utilities.
Old New Thing - Raymond Chen, Microsoft.
Windows Commands Help file (Server 2008 R2 / Vista) - Microsoft.

Rktools 2008 movie

Rktools 2008 Trailer


Many resource kit tools and utilities will run successfully on multiple versions of Windows. However Active Directory and NTFS have changed significantly over the years so I recommend you only use the tools supported for your platform.

Windows 10 Remote Server Administration Tools (RSAT) KBase
Windows 2008/2012 Remote Server Administration Tools (RSAT) Built-in feature.
RSAT includes Active Directory Domain Services Tools, elements of the RSAT package can be enabled under Control Panel Programs and Features Windows features. RSAT is a replacement for the Adminpak.msi tookits in older versions of Windows.

Rktools 2008 Free

Microsoft Security Compliance Toolkit 1.0 - SetObjectSecurity.exe PolicyAnalyzer and Security Baselines. Release notes.
KB4577586 - Windows Update to remove Adobe Flash (October 2020).

Windows 10 PowerToys (beta) - Including Power Renamer.
ColorTool.exe - Select a terminal color scheme. How to reset realtek hd audio manager.

Windows 10 Show or hide Windows Updates - Troubleshooter package.
IE 11 Enterprise Mode Site List Manager - Create / Edit an Enterprise Mode Site List XML.
Local Administrator Password Solution (LAPS) - Manage local account passwords across a domain.
Windows 2003 resource Kit (Archive.org)

Deployment tools

Windows 10 Update Assistant - update to the latest version, includes hardware check.
Windows 10 - ISO download.
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations - With WinFS
Administrative Templates (.admx) for Windows 10 version: 1803, 1809, 1903, 1909, 2004
Windows Assessment and Deployment Kit (Windows ADK) - Customize Windows 10 images for large-scale deployment.
Microsoft Deployment Toolkit (MDT) - Automate desktop and server OS deployments.
Upgrade Windows 7 licence to Windows 10.

Other Windows Toolkits:

Sysinternals Suite - Download the Sysinternals utilities.
Microsoft Application Compatibility Toolkit - Evaluate and mitigate application compatibility issues for Vista and Windows 7. Includes the Compatibility Administrator which can be used to set UAC exceptions (Application fix.)
Account Lockout Status (LockoutStatus.exe) - Display lockout information for a particular user account (Aug 2012).
Account Lockout and Management Tools - Includes LockoutStatus, plus tools to troubleshoot account lockouts, and display password ages(Aug 2012).
Microsoft Security Compliance Toolkit 1.0 - Microsoft-recommended security configuration baselines for Windows 10.
SMB1 How to disable it - Windows 7 up to Windows Server 2016.
Elevation PowerToys for Windows Vista + Elevation blog
File, Folder and Share Permission Utility Tool - Enumerate all the permissions, Technet/Monimoy Sanyal.
File Checksum Integrity Verifier (FCIV) - Compute and verify cryptographic hash values for files.
Policy Analyzer from Aaron Margosis - Compare sets of Group Policy Objects (GPOs). Highlight redundant settings or internal inconsistencies.
Group Policy Management Console SP1 & Group Policy Object Settings spreadsheet 2003/2008/2008R2/Win7.
Local Administrator Password Solution (LAPS) - Manage local account passwords of domain joined computers (howto).
Windows 10 PowerToys - FancyZones / Shortcut Key Guide / Batch file renamer / Process terminate tool / Animated gif screen recorder.
Remote Desktop Connection Manager - RDP to multiple machines.
WMI Diagnosis Utility - Diagnose and repair problems with the WMI service.

Recommended Books.

[ Full disclosure: I get a finder's fee on stuff you buy from Amazon.com by clicking through this website.
That doesn't cost you anything, but the commissions help to keep the site running ]

Batchography: The Art of Batch Files Programming
by Elias Bachaalany, 2016
Discover the lost art of Batch file programming, start with the basics of manipulating numbers, strings and variables and move on to looping operations, recursion, debugging and troubleshooting of your scripts. The final chapter has a number of batch file recipes: parsing .ini files, creating interactive menus and more. Highly recommended.

Troubleshooting with the Windows Sysinternals Tools (2nd Edition)
by Mark E. Russinovich
Guidance and inside insights for the Windows Sysinternals tools. Guided by Sysinternals creator Mark Russinovich and Windows expert Aaron Margosis

Windows Internals, Part 1 (2017) and Part2 (2019)
by Mark E. Russinovich, David A. Solomon and Alex Ionescu
Insider perspectives and hands-on experiments to demonstrate how Windows operates.

Windows 10: The Missing Manual
by David Pogue
An enjoyable but still very detailed read with lot's of good tips and keyboard shortcuts.

Mark Minasi's Mastering Windows Server 2012 R2
by Mark Minasi.

Comprehensive and understandable guide. Chocolat 3.4 for macos. Improve the performance and manageability of your network.

Windows NT Shell Scripting
by Tim Hill.

First published in 1998 so no mention of VBS or Powershell, despite this it's still a solid introduction to writing batch files under Windows. Sample chapter.

Also see - Recommended VBScript Books

Utilities - Command line

SysInternals - Microsoft System utilities.
Console 2 - Windows console emulator for CMD and/or PowerShell (review)
ConEmu-Maximus5 - Windows console emulator for CMD and/or PowerShell (review)
CommandLine.co.uk - Useful tools (free Win32 utilities - mostly console)
CryptoPrevent - A Group Policy to block executables from specific paths.
Cygwin - Linux-like environment for Windows, tutorial: 1, 2, 3
DOFF - Print a formatted date and time, with an optional date offset, e.g. -1 prints yesterday, +1 prints tomorrow. (source + BSD licence).
FastCopy - An alternative to RoboCopy.
Frank P. Westlake Batch Scripts + mirror of older console utilities.
Gow - Lightweight UNIX utilities compiled as native win32 binaries.
ImageMagick - Edit/Convert bitmap images(PNG, JPEG, GIF) on the command line (scripts)
Jason Hood - Utilities including Search & Replace, Date/Time, ANSI escape recognition for CMD.
Joeware.net - Admin, AD and Exchange tools.
Nirsoft Utilities and NirCMD freeware Command-Line Tool.
Npocmaka - Batch scripts, zipjs.bat + others.
PDFtk - Command-line tool for processing PDFs.
Petter Nordahl-Hagen - Offline Windows Password & Registry Editor.
pretentiousname - Utilities by Leo Davidson.
Repl.bat - FInd and Replace text, JScript/Batch script.
FindRepl.bat - FInd and Replace text, JScript/Batch script.
SetRes - Set screen resolution (Ian Sharpe).
SoX - Sound processing command line utility.
Bill Stewart - Batch script and Windows admin tools (TrueLast LogonTime).
SetACL - Utility to manage permissions, auditing and ownership (free).
System Tools - Dump Event Log, Registry or Security info.
unxutils - Port of unix utilities to run under the CMD shell.
WebP utilities - encode/decode WebP animated images, Google.
Wake On Lan Command Line: Depicus / Gammadyne / Nirsoft / PowerShell Wake On LAN script
Windows Terminal (App Store) + GitHub

Package Managers

Chocolatey - Package manager for Windows.
Ninite - Automate software installations and updates.
PC Decrapifier - Remove shovelware.
Windows Package Manager (preview, expected May 2021) - WINGET - Currently install only (no uninstall), borged from AppGet

GUI Applications

Agent Ransack - File Search (search all file types).
AIMP3 - Fully featured free music player.
Autohotkey - Automate keystrokes, mouse clicks and more.
AutoIT - GUI scripting.

Brackets - Open source HTML/CSS code editor.

Calc.exe - The old calculator from Windows 2003.
CamStudio - Record screen and audio activity on your computer.
Clonezilla - Partition and disk imaging/cloning program.
CPU-Z - gather information on system devices.
Dban - Darik's Boot and Nuke, a boot CD that securely wipes hard disks.
Event Sentry - Event log monitoring.
Everything - Locate files and folders by name instantly.
FTP - Cyberduck - FTP client .
FTP - FileZilla - FTP client [Warning: some official builds contain malware] (also via Ninite)
FTP - WinSCP - Free SFTP, SCP and FTP client for Windows .

Flash uninstall - EOL Date= Dec 2020
Firefox Enterprise - with Windows Group Policy support.
Foobar 2000 - freeware audio player.
FreeCAD - Sketch 2D shapes and create high quality drawings / 3D models.
Ghost Solution Suite - Disk / Partition Imaging.
Glasswire - Firewall with network monitoring.
Inkscape - Vector Graphics (Illustrator)
imgburn.com - Free CD/DVD/Blu-ray burner (MajorGeeks link to avoid OpenCandy malware).
isoRecorder - Burn iso image to bootable CD.
iTunes 7 - (Old Version) Minimal 32 bit media player, unsupported but still works on Windows 10.
Krita - Open Source photo/graphics editor.
Lansweeper - Network Monitoring.
Lost NT password
MakeMSI - Build Windows Installer files.
MalwareBytes - Anti Malware, detect and remove worms, Trojans, rootkits, etc.
Metapad - Simple notepad replacement.
Microsoft Keyboard Layout Creator - Remap keys. (see also remapkey.exe in the Windows 2003 resource Kit)
Notepad++ - Notepad replacement (n.b. the syntax highlighting for parentheses in CMD/BAT files is faulty.)
Photoshop Elements - Basic photo editing and organisation.
Trinity Rescue Kit - Recovery and repair of Windows machines.
Netikus - Password, Ping, FTP, event log alerts.
PhotoRec - Data recovery software - hard disk, CD-ROM & Memory Cards.
Pinboard.in - Bookmarking + app SimplePin
PuTTY - Free Telnet/SSH Client.
Rapid Environment Editor - Edit environment variables, donationware.
RawTherapee - Raw image processing.
Recuva - Recover deleted files.
Servers Alive - Network monitoring.
Shotcutapp - free, open source, cross-platform video editor.
SoftPerfect - Search, Scan for open file shares and other utils.
Speccy - System information, hardware and software (serial numbers etc).
Sumatra - PDF viewer.
SyncBack - GUI Backup and synchronize files.
SyncToy - Synchronize files and folders.
TeamViewer - Screen sharing/Remote control (Mac/PC/Linux.)
Textadept - cross-platform text editor.
TightVNC - Remote control.
WinAmp 2.95 - Old but still usable MP3 player.
WinMerge - open source WinDiff
VirtualBox - Open Source virtualisation for Windows, Linux, Macintosh, and Solaris.
Virtual PC - Virtualisation for Windows.
VLC Media Player - Free versatile media player.
VueScan - Scanner Software.
WSUS Offline Update - Microsoft updates without an internet connection.
Wink - Capture screenshots/video, add help text.
Zero Assumption Recovery - data recovery.
Find more utilities, or add you own over in the forum


Usenet - news: alt.msdos.batch.nt
DosTips forum
The Scripting Guys Forum - a mix of VBScript, Batch and PowerShell.
SS64 - Windows CMD discussion Forum

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